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        Twitter is again interfering with posting Cobble's tweets. These include not posting his recent posts, and posting false analytics. Twitter is also blocking of upload of .jpeg images. If elected to Congress, Mr. Cobble will push for requiring an "expedited Complaint process" for filing against social media companies. 


- Diana & Associates

- TEAZ Hair Salon

- Cafe 360

- Hikes Point Merle Norman

- J-town Hardware

- Bonafide Investment Group

- Natural Mystic

- D-50 Barber Salon

By definition, murder requires the perpetrator to create the conditions for the killing. Burdette's DUI is only one condition of the other conditions created by management in Gov'mt.

MASS SHOOTER UPDATE: Cassidy Was on Gov'mt's Radar, Too

May 26, 2021 San Jose, CA Shooter Samuel Cassidy. While detained in 2016, he told officials of his angry background. He killed 8 at the San Jose railway shooting. (PBS Newshour, May 27, 2021) His suicide is the same MO of the jihad killings in the Middle East, the same as most mass shootings in the U.S. It is critical that the shooter dies to shut down the trail of evidence to Gov'mt operatives. Americans must demand audits of FBI & Dept of Justice transactions, and others.

[Updates of] Quo Warranto served upon Joseph H. McKinley, Jr., U.S. District Judge
Certified Mail Tracer: 7007 1490 0004 5248 3817

[SUMMARY: On or about April 25, '08 and June 2, '08, Judge McKinley refused to conduct his ministerial duty by unlawfully denying my April 4, '08 Motion for an evidentiary hearing and May 1, '08 Motion for reconsideration. A hearing was necessary to once-and-for-all stop the obstructions-of-justice by Defendant Value City Furniture (hereafter also called VCF), VCF's attorney, Michael P. Reilly, and Magistrate Judge E. Robert Goebel. 2) And by those orders, Judge McKinley continued to cover-up the interstate product liability fraud perpetrated by VCF. 3) And by those orders, Judge McKinley violated Cobble's 4th Amendment right to privacy and thus further denied him due-process of law. 4) And by those orders, Judge McKinley is complicit with the obstructions of VCF, Mr. Reilly, and Magistrate Goebel.

The allegations herein reveal that Judge McKinley has denied the "Rule of law." He has failed to uphold the state and federal Constitutions in the lawful capacity of his office as a governmental official and minister-of-law in Jefferson County for the U.S. District Courts.

A certified copy of the quo warranto was sent (served) to Sen. Patrick Leahy, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee in Washington, DC, because the U.S. Senate has the authority to remove Mr. McKinley from office, based on my criminal allegations. By my right, The Senate is required to remove McKinley if he does not factually dispute my allegations.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

June 12, '08, Monday
QUO WARRANTO served for removal of Joseph H. McKinley, Jr.
U.S. District Judge.

June 12, '08, Monday
Quo Warranto Mailing Receipts