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        Twitter is again interfering with posting Cobble's tweets. These include not posting his recent posts, and posting false analytics. Twitter is also blocking of upload of .jpeg images. If elected to Congress, Mr. Cobble will push for requiring an "expedited Complaint process" for filing against social media companies. 


- Diana & Associates

- TEAZ Hair Salon

- Cafe 360

- Hikes Point Merle Norman

- J-town Hardware

- Bonafide Investment Group

- Natural Mystic

- D-50 Barber Salon

By definition, murder requires the perpetrator to create the conditions for the killing. Burdette's DUI is only one condition of the other conditions created by management in Gov'mt.

MASS SHOOTER UPDATE: Cassidy Was on Gov'mt's Radar, Too

May 26, 2021 San Jose, CA Shooter Samuel Cassidy. While detained in 2016, he told officials of his angry background. He killed 8 at the San Jose railway shooting. (PBS Newshour, May 27, 2021) His suicide is the same MO of the jihad killings in the Middle East, the same as most mass shootings in the U.S. It is critical that the shooter dies to shut down the trail of evidence to Gov'mt operatives. Americans must demand audits of FBI & Dept of Justice transactions, and others.

Restoring Property Value through Debt-forgiveness

It can be clearly seen that debt forgiveness will restore (increase) the value of everyones property (real estate, stocks, bonds, values of companies, etc.), because much of the unsecured dollars that's causing the currently massive debt loads will no longer counter people's assets. Our ratios of assets-to-liability will return to balance. (Also, see Issue #2 in the Petition against the Federal Reserve.)

However, such healthy balance can only be maintained by requiring banks to put-up full collateral for the money they borrow from the Feds.

Real estate values, as only one example, should quickly rebound, and therefore, this will ease the budget woes suffered by states and municipalities.

Please Demand Public Hearings for
this Case, 3:08-cv-516

On Oct. 2, '08, a motion for injunction and preliminary hearings was filed in court. For our National Security, please demand public hearings for this case. Contact your Congressmen, and:

    Chief Judge John G. Heyburn, II
    U.S. District Court
    601 W. Broadway, Rm. 239
    Louisville, KY 40202 (see below)

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