Twitter is again interfering with posting Cobble's tweets. These include not posting his recent posts, and posting false analytics. Twitter is also blocking of upload of .jpeg images. If elected to Congress, Mr. Cobble will push for requiring an "expedited Complaint process" for filing against social media companies.
- Diana & Associates
- TEAZ Hair Salon
- Cafe 360
- Hikes Point Merle Norman
- J-town Hardware
- Bonafide Investment Group
- Natural Mystic
- D-50 Barber Salon
By definition, murder requires the perpetrator to create the conditions for the killing. Burdette's DUI is only one condition of the other conditions created by management in Gov'mt.
May 26, 2021 San Jose, CA Shooter Samuel Cassidy. While detained in 2016, he told officials of his angry background. He killed 8 at the San Jose railway shooting. (PBS Newshour, May 27, 2021) His suicide is the same MO of the jihad killings in the Middle East, the same as most mass shootings in the U.S. It is critical that the shooter dies to shut down the trail of evidence to Gov'mt operatives. Americans must demand audits of FBI & Dept of Justice transactions, and others.
Convincing people to adopt mail-in voting is one of three tactics used to steal votes.
"When he joined Chase Bank, I thought Mr. Bezos wanted to solve the healthcare problem." -- D. Cobble
NOTICE: Due to the webhost blocking the updates of images, this website is now considered an archive site. For the 2023 and later work of Founder, Daniel Cobble, go to: The-Protect-America-Project.INFO (Site 2)
The 22 liens (click here) to remove the status quo (our leadership) are more important than ever. After robbing us blind thru the Federal Reserve they are now attempting to outlaw cash and create the conditions for food shortages to starve billions of people. To reverse our crises, they know that you want a change in the status quo. (Support the Climate Plan on Site 2 - click here)
NOTICE of SITE DISRUPTION: To disrupt the 2022 election campaign of Candidate Daniel Cobble, the webhost (Edirecthost.com) is not allowing uploading / updating campaign files. These include 22 UCC-1 liens that disqualify State & federal officials from office. Mr. Cobble is making arrangements to transfer to another webhost. Meanwhile, we are sorry for the inconvenience. You may view the federal liens at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTEs74cv2UU. Support removing these election crooks from office.
Site 2. URL The-Protect-America-Project.INFO now posts the federal Liens & Updates. Our lives are made ever more complicated in these psychopathic patriarchs.
Election Night Update, Nov. 28, 2022 - THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTE on NOVEMBER 8. We are sorry to report that, in elections in Jefferson County, KY, your vote did not count. But Mr. Cobble is working to correct this problem. Due to the cheating, such as closing precincts without notice," Cobble is calling to redue/revote elections in Jefferson County. Please see his Nov. 16 "warrant letter" to Gov. Beshear at YouTube> https://youtu.be/U5KHNy2IZbE. -- You may request a copy of the warrant letter at danielcobble6@gmail.com. Thank you.
Daniel Cobble (KY-I) ran for U.S. Representative as a WRITE-IN candidate in Louisville, KY, District 3, 2022. In past years, in speaking before the Louisville Metro Council, Cobble accurately predicted today's degradation of American society due to the theft\depletion of the U.S. tax-base by the Federal Reserve. His lawsuit, 3:20-cv-298, and tort actions are seeking to reverse the three antitrust violations causing this theft (Menu Item #4). These violations create the imfamous and frustrating woke corporate environment (conflict-of-interest between Gov'mt & corporations).
He also breaks down how our voting system remains broken and how it got that way by the collaboration of leadership between the parties (see Menu Items #9 & #14). In Feb. 2022, Fox 41 News-TV reported\broadcasted Cobble as polling #1 to win the District 3 race for U.S. Representative (Louisville), even above Morgan McGarvey. After that fateful broadcast, to prevent voters from seeing Cobble’s face & name, all radio & TV stations “blacked-out public coverage” of the District 3 race. This conspiracy to interfere with the election is one of two examples of “dark democracy” of which voters cannot know whom are the registered candidates running to represent them. Hence, this is not democracy at all. Until enforcing the State & U.S. Constitutions for actual representation, Cobble can no longer run for office.
Louisville\Kentucky should not pass up the opportunity to sending Mr. Cobble to Washington, DC.
NOTICE: << The important left sidebar page links are not shown in MOBILE PHONE MODE.
NOTICE: To restrict video views, YouTube/Google is not providing accurate video count data for Cobble's YouTube videos. These are more antitrust violations requiring the breakup of these companies.
The 2022 Tort Action below shows how we do not owe the $31+ trillion debt to the Federal Reserve. Since 1999, the Fed has subjected Americans to a Ponzi-like shceme. Thus, it's the Fed, Wall Street, and foreign investors (Rothschilds, Bilderberg Group, China, Etc.) that owe each U.S. citizen. See the corresponding liens for removing officials at The-Protect-America-Project.INFO (click here).
Democrats' 2nd U.S. Visit to Taiwan is Another Provocation for Biden's Fake War with China & Russia (For Surrendering the U.S. to Communism)
August 15, 2022 (Broken by CNN) - A second U.S. Democrat delegation arrived in Taiwan. Pursuant to the letter below to Mike Pence, Candidate for U.S. Representative in Louisville, Kentucky Daniel Cobble has long predicted and assessed that Biden is planning a fake war with China and Russia to give the U.S. over to Communism.
EMBARASSING AMERICA: Wherever they can, Biden & the [far left] Democrat leadership are intentionally embarassing America before the world (such as allowing homosexuals to operate the military; refusal to classify Putin a war criminal; raiding former President Trump's home, releasing criminals to the streets, opening the borders for illegals & drugs, CHILD EXPLOITATION (Menu Item #17), Etc. (Classifying Putin a war criminal will help to end the war.)
The visits to Taiwan can only be taken as planned provocations to China, at a time when Joe Biden has sabotaged and weakened the U.S. military. The same as Afganistan and Ukraine, Cobble is warning Americans of the coming shock-and-awe to the U.S. homeland. See below more on Cobble's predictions and assessments in The Louisville Underground, Etc. -- Americans must demand an Emergency Constitutional Convention to remove the Biden Administration.
| September 26, 2022: Menu Item #9. Warning letter (Doc. 16) to federal judges to issue injunctions to protect Nov. 8 elections. Their refusals would be complicity to election fraud in Kentucky.
| September 20, 2022: Menu Item #4, Notice of Tort Claim & Liens to remove federal officials for creating crises against U.S. Sovereignty (Doc. 9).
Below, Cobble calls for FBI Director Wray to Resign Amidst Massacre of 10 People at the Top's Grocery Store
The Taxpayers' BALANCE SHEET below proves eventual economic collapse identified in federal lawsuit 3:20-cv-298 (- click here - see Section C in complete lawsuit). With the $6 trillion in taxes collected in 2018 (Lines 1 & 6), only $3 trillion is applied to the budget (Line 8). So every year we must $borrow (Line 9) to fullfill our entitlement obligations (Line 10 for Social Security, Medicare, VA Benefits, welfare payments, ETC.). This danger can be reversed by supporting said lawsuit to stop the three (3) antitrust violations. Send your $donations to help elect Candidate Daniel Cobble to Congress (- click here-).
A. Congress has bullshitted Americans on infrastructure for years. Simply put, we cannot borrow enough for infrastructure because it costs too many $trillions to catch up with the infrastructure needs. Payments on the $trillions in borrowing would wipe-out the U.S. tax base and take the U.S. into economic depression. Infrastructure maintenance and new projects are only possible, and less costly, by stopping the illegal $transfer-of-wealth to Wall Street corporations and creating Offices of Infrastructure at the federal, State, and local levels of Gov'mt. Ending the $transfer would minimize the need for borrowing as prior to 1999 as illustrated on page 13 in federal lawsuit 2nd Amended Complaint 3:20cv-298 (below).
B. Understanding "woke corporations." These are the Wall Street companies & news media benefiting from the $transfer-of-wealth, such as Amazon, Facebook, Apple, AT&T, Google, Berkshire Hathaway, Disney, Toyota (Yes Toyota, too), Kroger, Costco, CBS & ABC, Etc, Etc. Please observe that they all openly support Gov'mt's corrupted politics, currently the leftist Biden Presidency. Or they must face ending the three antitrust violations that will take away their [Fed]eral Reserve access to cheap money. These illegally cheap Fed dollars, subsidized by ever-higher taxation & Gov'mt debt, is how these companies grow so fast. Hence, you can now see the significance of supporting federal lawsuit 3:20cv-298 (below) for ending the $transfer-of-wealth. Ending the $transfer will end the woke[-ism] conflict-of-interest between Gov'mt and corporations.
{Woke companies must support Gov'mt corruption or lose their illegal easy money from the Federal Reserve. . . 1) cover-up of the FBI & DoJ that went undercover at the Jan. 6 Capitol riot; 2) the manufactured COVID pandemic; 3) cover-up of widespread cheating in the 2020 elections; 4) critical race theory - CRT; 5) the harassment of law-abiding taxpayers who demand their rights; 6) the movement towards the cashless society (for tracking the movements of everyone); 7) unlawfully buying votes with tax dollars; Etc.}
The new, very bad Kentucky voting law will guarantee confusion and mayhem in the upcoming elections. The Rupublican & Democrat leadership refuse to solve OUR problems.
Why you should be concerned with Amazon: These antitrust violations are causing deterioration of services / finances of the U.S. Postal Service, as well as other programs throughout Gov'mt. They cause the unpayable debt thru constant Fed borrowing and rises in taxes and fees.
| Make your point to elected officials by sending them copies of these recommendations and the page 13 attachment.
There are 623 voting precincts in Jeferson County, Kentucky. It averages 1015 votes per precinct for precinct workers to count. This is the security of U.S. voting that must be protected. -- Also, see Biden's quiet COVID foreign policy crisis that's not covered in the Complaint. Americans, bless their hearts, elected a Communist into the White House. He's been fooling people for years.
- Petition-letter included for your convenience -
The Real Reasons Depression & Suicides are UP
NOTE: Pursuant to the solutions proposed on this website, most all crises today are manufactured by Gov'mt. Applying these solutions will reverse the epidemic of mental illness.
Depression and suicides are increasing because too many Americans are "running away" from their responsibilities of holding Gov'mt officials accountable. Many of you already know that our crises are manufactured and can be resolved (such as legacy medications quickly kills COVID-19 and its variants). Our "inaction" causes "feelings of helplessness" that builds-up stress. -- Youth suicides are respectively up because not enough adults / parents are "getting out in front" to fight for their children. Adult inaction, in-turn, causes hopelessness in kids.
Stay mindful that Pres. Biden plans to keep America in crisis to keep you dependent on Gov'mt, including thru ever higher debt. Another example: For your $1400 "hush money" (stimulus $check) he opens-up the flood gate of illegal immigration for more stress. It is criminal of him to knowingly bring-in more COVID from across the border. -- D.Cobble
The $transfer-of-wealth is fleecing us all (Elon Musk earned $160 billion thru Wall Street from March 2020 - January 2021 - Forbes Magazine). Stopping the three policies that causes this $transfer is the only way to save America from the looming economic depression; the same conditions of the 1933 Great Depression. We have to vote-out all politicians that support these policies (see Fed. Case 3:20cv-298, pg. 15).
Myth: Higher interest rates lead to higher national debt payments. This is patently FALSE. The TRUTH: A higher prime interest rate leads to much lower debt payments because then Gov'mt borrows much less from the Fed. This is due to higher rates keeping dollars within the U.S. ecomony and attracts dollars from overseas. The increased economic activity raises substantially higher tax revenues so that less borrowing is required.
Cobble on the Envirnonment
In Chapter One of Cobble's book, Transactional Migration for U.S. Employers, he introduces the Carbon Circulartory Redirection Program (CCRP). CCRP redirects man-generated carbon back into the earth in very practical ways. Such as making all packaging materials returnable to manufacturers for reuse based on a consumer $deposit system. And giant glass / transparent atriums covering factory smoke stacks with surrounding agriculture absorbing the carbon (based on the principles of "hyroponics."). There are many more examples. CCRP diminishes carbon emissions while allowing the continued use of fossil fuels until the "green economy" develops.
- How did the authorities approve no-knock warrants as constitutional?
- Covering-up conspiracy is the wider danger to public safety.
May 30, 2020. Rapper Lil Wayne is correct to suggest “we the people” are indirectly the blame for the police killings such as George Floyd in Minneapolis (and Breonna Taylor in Louisville). Most of us are not taking the opportunities to help improve policies that can prevent tragedies and disasters, even though it is our taxes that pay for Gov'mt. So ultimately, it is we ourselves who "are Gov'mt," and thus responsible for Gov'mt. - To solve our problems, we must face this difficult truth (and work), to partake in Gov'mt just as we set aside time for entertainment, sports, night-clubbing, weekend outings, etc., etc. - Politicians continuing of pacify citizens out of participation "won't get the job done."
A new mayor in Ferguson, Missouri. A glaring case-in-point is the recent election of Mayor Ella Jones in Ferguson, the first African American mayor there. Yet incredible as it may seem, the potential for electing a black mayor was always in Ferguson, i.e., for the “whole citizenry” to get involved. But it took a cop to murder Michael Brown for black residents to throw-off their fears. They could no longer run from Gov’mt BECAUSE THEY THEMSELVES ARE THE GOV’MT in a democracy. –– In going forward, the cop-murdered Michael BrownS, George FloydS, and Breonna TaylorS will be prevented if we as the whole citizenry will get involved in how policies are made at the local, State, and federal levels; not only on police tactics, but all areas of Gov’mt. Citizens can organize themselves into groups assigned to watch/track and report-on (publicize) the particular areas of Gov’mt. Ferguson proves you don’t know what you can do until you at-first try.
On June 1, 2020, this truth was also spoken by bestselling Author & Historian Yuval Noah Harari on NHK News. He stated that our responses force corrections in Gov'mt policies. On June 3, NHK News re-broadcasted Harari's interview. He stressed that to save Western democracies, citizens must stop fearing and running from Gov'mt to become involved in shaping policies.
A "rule of thumb" is Gov'mt generally doesn't do the right thing unless prompted by the people.
This lawsuit is another opportunity to make everyone safer.
On Feb. 7, 2019, I introduced my declared white paper to the Louisville Metro Council on the cause of the continuing bacteria pathogen outbreaks in Kenucky and around the nation. The document explains how protective rubber and plastic gloves create three points-of-contamination when handling food, patients in healthcare, and even during janitorial work.